Gap messenger

Imagine a Commercial for a Better Life (part1)

1.) What was most difficult for you when you decided to leave your country?
Johnny Appleseed (using a pseudonym): “ I would have to say the most difficult thing that got in my way when I was deciding to leave was not knowing how my family would be without me being here with them. Since I was the first one to leave to seek opportunity I had to leave my family behind in order to try and establish something for us before we all came over to the United States. I thought of every single thing that could go wrong and everyday leading up to the day I was leaving I tried to talk myself out of it. But for every day that passed by, all the pros of leaving my ranch always weighed out the cons. I knew I had to do this, I felt selfish if I didn’t.”

2.) Why here? Why San Jose CA and not somewhere like Los Angeles or San Diego closer to Mexico?
Johnny: “It’s nice to get asked this because I’ve never gotten asked this before. The reason why I chose San Jose is because I had long distant relatives here, it was an easier adjustment than if I would have moved elsewhere. I think my pride and stubbornness had gotten in the way because many of my family members had offered me a place to stay but I didn’t want the help or handouts. I didn’t want to get too comfortable and I needed to do everything for my family back home. I slept in parks, I looked for work and took the work no matter what it was. It was probably the hardest thing but the most rewarding and humbling thing now. I also felt that settling in Los Angeles or San Diego was a little too close to home so it would be easier for me to go back home whenever I was homesick and I didn’t want to give up.”

3.) When did the rest of your family finally come with you?
Johnny: “ This one might be the hardest to answer. At first it was just me, my wife was still in Mexico with her family. At the time she was pregnant with our first child but our first child didn’t make it. When I first came over here I got sent back, then I came back again. Then I got sent back to Mexico and for the third time my wife had finally decided to come with me. By then I had already established enough for us. Since it had just been the two of us we made it work for a while. We then started to grow our family after the pain my wife and I had suffered knowing that our family would have started already. But you know what they say, God has his own plans for you. We accepted what it was and healed together. Then came our growing family.”

20 April 2024 | 09:39