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During the Spanish Civil War in 1936, there were many heroic feats that can now only be celebrated. This image is one of them, as a journalist is seen running across a bridge in order to rescue a baby during the 1936 Civil War.
The Spanish Civil War began on July 17, 1936, and lasted three years until 1939. The War broke out with a military revolt in Morocco which was triggered by events that happened in Madrid. Days later, Spain was divided into two with labels such as ‘Republican’ and ‘Loyalist.’
During the early days of the War, civilians were still getting used to the divide and because of this; more than 50,000 people were allegedly caught on the ‘wrong’ side of the lines and were executed immediately. One of the most well-known victims was poet and dramatist Federico Garcia Lorca, who was killed at just 38-years of age.
A reality that not many people know is that thousands of Americans signed up to volunteer during the Civil War. Although the U.S government was very adamant about staying neutral during the War, almost 3,000 American citizens — many of whom had never used a firearm before — volunteered for the Republican grounds; which later became known as one of the most diverse groups of people to ever sign up for War.
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22 April 2019 | 12:00